Vision and Mission Statement

Our Vision

  • We believe our children will create a world which lives in peace

  • We believe our children are part of a global community

  • We believe our children will have respect for all life and all people

  • We believe a Montessori Education will equip our children with the skills they need to be independent and empathetic.

Our Mission

  • Our School Community inspires a passion for excellence in all we do. We actively nurture the innate curiosity, creativity and imagination inside all children

  • We are equipping our children with empathy and problem-solving skills their generation needs to change the world

  • Our community values, above all else, self-respect, respect for others, honesty, integrity, responsibility, empathy, kindness and service to others

Program Objectives

  • The cultivation within our students of a passion for excellence in everything they do, both in and outside of school

  • The development a strongly held set of universal values, which include self-respect, respect for others, honesty, integrity, responsibility, empathy, compassion, kindness, peacefulness, a sense of concern for others, warmth, and a love of community

  • The development of a global perspective and sense of international understanding

  • A lifelong commitment to give something back through service to others who are in need

The Fundamental Nature of our School

  • The Montessori approach to learning provides our philosophical framework.

  • Elonera Montessori is a multicultural school.

  • Elonera Montessori is designed to prepare students both for further learning and for life.

  • Our school teaches children to be at home in the world of nature.

  • Elonera Montessori is a school that is connected with the children’s families.

  • We are committed to developing character and values

  • We are committed to diversity.

  • Elonera Montessori is a close-knit community of students, educators, parents, and friends of the school