Elonera Montessori School (EMS) is an independent, co-educational environment currently catering for children from 12 months of age to 18 years of age. Programs include, an Early Learning Program, a Primary School and a Senior School. We also offer a Long Day Care option.
All our classes are multi-age, giving each child the opportunity to learn from others and the flexibility to develop their personality at their own pace, both socially and intellectually. Children in the Early Years and Primary School usually stay with the same teacher for three years, and this leads to strong teacher-student bonds and a deep understanding by the teacher of individual student characteristics.
In the Senior years students choose to take the IB Diploma course or the IB Careers Program. These programs are designed to develop a life-long passion for learning.
Our Identity
We want our students to be well trained in the basic academic disciplines, to fulfill their creative potential, and to gain satisfaction in their physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development. Our educational program is based on and taught in accordance with the outcomes of the NESA syllabuses for primary (years K-6) and secondary (years 7-10). We have NESA approval to provide school developed courses in Philosophy in Stage 5 (years 9-10). Elonera is an authorised International Baccalaureate School for the Diploma Years and the Careers Program.
We provide a safe and supportive environment with a clear focus on and commitment to helping students develop high self-esteem, good relationships, and to be confident, happy and ambitious.
Our Facilities
The school facilities include spacious, open, well lit classrooms that are well equipped with Montessori materials. They also house their own student amenities so that children are not required to leave the class. There are computers in every classroom, as well as in the school library.
There is a science lab, kitchen, tutorial rooms, a visual arts room as well as a music room in the secondary space. The International Baccalaureate Diploma has its own suite of facilities. There is also a School Hall and half ball court on the premises.
The School accesses the TAFE and the University services for sport activities for the high school.
A designated Out of School Hours Care service facility has recently been moved to our new school hall, with this large building allowing for more varied activities both indoors and out.
Our premises and buildings are owned by the School, and we comply with relevant council and government requirements, work health and safety legislation, and environmental and land use guidelines. The Capital Works Committee is actively involved in the ongoing assessment and monitoring of the premises, and oversees the routine maintenance plan as well as specific building projects and the implementation of the Master Plan. The Committee members consist of staff and a past parent of the school.
Our Staff
Our staff is actively involved in a continuous study of human development. This study includes keeping abreast of current theories, regular student observation, and a constant evaluation of the curriculum to ensure that it is appropriate for the developmental stages of our students.
We employ dedicated and qualified teachers who are accredited by NESA to teach in NSW. The primary teachers also hold a Montessori Diploma. The Secondary teachers attend subject area International Baccalaureate Diploma training, as well as Montessori workshops.
The Early Childhood teacher holds a qualification that is accepted by the Department of Education and Communities as well as a Montessori Diploma. The Coordinators of the Preschool have both a Montessori Diploma as well as a Child Care Diploma. We have assistants in every classroom from Stage 1 to Stage 3 with Montessori training, so that the adult to child ratio varies from 1:10 to 1:15.
Elonera Montessori School is committed to ongoing staff development.